The International Star Catalogue is the world’s only commercial electronic catalogue based on extraatmospheric observations and star discoveries, carried out since 1964 by the Institute for Space Research and Satellite Management of the Ministry of Defence of the Soviet Union "Golitsyno-2". This long-term work of hundreds of scientists, under the guidance of G.S. Titov is unique. The International Star Catalogue is the only catalogue in the world in which the names of stars are officially registered. A special commission of astronauts - members of the Russian Space Federation, scientists - members of world scientific research organizations, as well as heads of organizations that took part in the space exploration programme, decides on the naming of stars.
The right to own the name of the star is confirmed by the official Certificate of International Standard, approved on June 28, 1996 by the Chairman of the Russian Space Federation Herman Stepanovich Titov.
For the first time, at the suggestion of G. S. Titov, the Russian Space Federation presented Valentina Gagarina with a certificate confirming the official fact of naming the star «Yuri Gagarin». This event became a precedent for the appeal to the International Star Catalogue of missions of different countries with a request to assign stars names of outstanding people. So in the International Star Catalogue registered stars with the names of world famous people: royalty, presidents, great scientists, politicians, artists, actors, businessmen. For example, K.E. Tsiolkovsky, S.P. Koroleva, Yu.M. Luzhkov, A.B. Pugacheva, I. Kobzon, Z. Tserotov, B. Gates,
In 2000, the Russian Orthodox Church commissioned the computation of the Bethlehem star, which for 2000 years was known to mankind by the legends of the Gospel. This star, after careful study of historical facts and astronomical data, was found in the constellation Ursa Major and named the Russian Orthodox Church - Bethlehem. But since this star is double, the second star was named Jesus. Both names were given to the Greek Orthodox Church by the Russian Orthodox Church on the 2nd millennium of the Nativity in the form of a certificate of the International Star Catalogue and maps of the starry sky, where this star was indicated.
In modern astrology, knowing the number and month of birth is easy to determine the character and destiny of the Sign of the Zodiac. However, it is no less important to know under which star man was born, which star and constellation were in the zenith. This requires knowing not only the date, month, time, year of birth, but also the place of birth. Thanks to a unique astronomical program, our professional astronomers will determine the coordinates of the still nameless asterisk, which was at the zenith at this moment in this place, And who today in the International Star Catalogue has only a boring serial number. So you will know your star protector, the protector who helps you all your life (it is the same as knowing the guardian angel).
In our Catalogue you can assign the star its own name, which will go down in history for centuries. Birthday, wedding, New Year, March 8, Valentine’s Day, majority or anniversary - any holiday is worthy of such an unusual and original gift! For you will always burn a guiding star!
Star "gift" - an amazing and original gesture!
A gift that has not lost its ability to surprise and delight. The holiday will end, guests will leave, gifts will take their place on the shelves, and the person to whom you gave the Star, again and again will look into the night sky. For there now shines a part of his soul and your heart in heaven.