Sightseeing day
Sunday 17/04
Time of excursion
9:00 - 15:30
175 ₪
Check-out from 7:00 to 8:00 from the collection point:
Netanya (Gezl, 38 )
Herzliya (Ost. Tsomet Kfar Shmaryagu)
Petah-Tikva (st. Haim Ozer, 25)
Ramat Gan (Jabotinski/Bjalik)
Tel Aviv (Tahanat Arlozorov)
Tel Aviv (Tahana mercazite on Levinski)
Bat Yam (Matseva)
Bat Yam (Bat Yam Canyon)
Holon (Moshe Sharet / Alufei IDF)
Rishon le Zion (Hertzel str. 88)

The Holy Week is approaching - the most important time of the year for the entire Orthodox world.
Palm Sunday, like the front door, brings us into its atmosphere memories of the last earthly days of the Savior in Jerusalem.
Every day of this week is called the Great and Holy, because it has a special significance and is connected with specific biblical stories, on the footsteps of which we will pass in our excursion.
From the Mount of Olives we will see the Jericho road in the wilderness that led Jesus to Jerusalem.
Before us opens a fascinating panorama on the Holy City.
We will descend the ancient road of pilgrims, which triumphantly walked Jesus to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.
In the monastery of Mary Magdalene we will touch the seven remaining steps of this path.
In the church «Tears of the Lord» we shall remember prophetic words of Jesus about tragic fate of Jerusalem and we shall see place of bible Temple, whence on this day it has expelled traders.
The ancient Roman column will show us where the betrayal of Judas took place, which is remembered on Great Wednesday.
The Olives of the Garden of Gethsemane remember the desperate prayer and arrest of Jesus on Holy Thursday.
We will pass on Via Dolorosa, which tells about the events of Good Friday, about the trial and execution of Christ.
The Stones of the Wailing Wall are silent witnesses to Jesus' argument with the Pharisees, as they say on the Great Tuesday.
The Temple of the Tomb is connected with the Great Sabbath, the day of the memory of the burial of Jesus, of his victory over death.
How do I pay for the tour?
You can pay as follows:
1. Translation with Bit.
2. Transfer from card to card.
3. We can withdraw payment from your payment card, additionally pay 2.5% - bank expenses.
After payment, we will send a receipt to your e-mail address.
If none of the above payment methods are suitable for you, please contact us and we will definitely find you a convenient payment option.
What are the rules for canceling tours?
If you cancel your order less than 48 hours before it starts, no refund will be made.
Is the money back for those who are late and not on the tour?
How do I know where and when to assemble?
First of all, the day before the tour we send you the exact time of departure from your place of gathering. It is recommended to arrive 5 minutes before the specified time.
At the top of each page in the excursion section we offer the addresses of the collection points. As a result, clicking on which, you can see the place on the map.
The waiting time of the tourist bus is not more than 5 minutes from the specified time of the gathering.
Usually seats on the bus are taken up as the vehicles fill up.
On the other hand, you can book seats in advance. The cost of ordering a certain place on the bus 25 (if available).
It is important to know the following things:
1. Our company is not responsible for lost things.
2. There may be minor route changes.
3. You can visit the holy places only in modest clothes, IE, shoulders and knees you should cover.