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Our advantages
The International Star Catalogue is the only electronic catalogue in the world used for commercial purposes and the only catalogue in which star names are officially registered.
The International Star Catalogue (MSK) was created by cosmonaut Titov Herman Stepanovich - the first person to make a long space flight (more than a day), the second person in the world to make an orbital space flight.
The right to own the name of the star is confirmed by the official International Standard Certificate approved on June 28, 1996 by the Chairman of the Space Federation Herman Stepanovich Titov.
How do you name a star?
Select a star from the constellation
Create a presentation kit
Place an order
I thank you for the opportunity to give a friend something unusual, amazing and the most romantic in the world... Thank you so much for your attention, for your help despite the difficult New Year’s days)) With respect to you!
Good afternoon! Thank you, orders VERY pleased, especially those who received the stars as a gift:)
Good evening to you! Today I have used your services and I am sure I will not regret. What you do very well and brings people a lot of positive things! Brighter and more romantic than yours, it’s hard to imagine.
For whom you are choosing a gift (data will be in the star catalog)
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